National Registration
Why register?
As members become registered, there has been a greater recognition of our professionalism and competency in the workplace. More often we are being asked for our practicing certificate. It brings us closer to getting recognized as a health professional such as Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapist, rather than the person who provides activities.
When you become a Registered Diversional Therapist you will have had to prove that: –
You have gained the National Certificate in Diversional Therapy.
You work within the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the NZ Society of Diversional Therapists.
You have completed a minimum of 3000 hours working in the field of Diversional Therapy.
You have been a member of the Society for a minimum of ONE year.
You will also have to have proved your competency to your supervisor or manager to get a reference from them. All this proof is then sent to the Registration Board who will look at it to make sure that you reach the standards expected of a Registered Diversional Therapist.
To retain registration you have to renew it every year proving that you are: –
Continuing to practice to an acceptable level.
Continuing to access ongoing education, particularly in the field of Diversional Therapy. That you attend local support groups and/or conferences to improve the value of the service you give to your clients.
Prepared to help in the teaching/supervising of new activity people.
Participate in new initiatives in your workplace, on a local level or on a national level.
All this might seem like a lot of hard work but it is your proof to your Manager or a prospective employer that you are a valuable asset to your workplace.
It is one thing to say that you have worked in the field for the last 10, 15, or 20 years, it is quite another to be able to say that you are a Registered Diversional Therapist and have the certificate to prove it.
All registered members should have a Registered Badge.

Registration Process for Qualified Diversional Therapists
If this is your FIRST time applying to register you will need the Registration Application Form. There is no longer a requirement for a Police check with the NZSDRT. ALL employers have a legal obligation to check those working voluntary or employed.
Registration proves competency​
Becoming registered is a great recognition of our professionalism and competency in New Zealand. Increasingly we are being asked for our practicing certificate. This means that we are now recognized as an important part of Aotearoa Allied health professionals.
To become a New Zealand Registered Diversional Therapist you MUST prove that:
You have gained the NZQA Qualification in Diversional Therapy.
You work within the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the New Zealand Society of Diversional and Recreational Therapists Inc.
You have completed a minimum of 3000 hours working in the field of Diversional Therapy.
You have been a member of the Society for a minimum of one year
Step One – Applying
Candidates applying to the Registrar of the NZSDRT Inc. for Registration and the Registered Badge must submit the following
Registration Application Form.
Payment of $115 to NZSDRT Inc. via direct credit. 03 1559 0022619 00 (please use name for reference). (made up of Registration Fee, Administration Fee and virtual/site assessment fee, includes GST) and is NON REFUNDABLE. NOTE: There is a time frame for the Registration Application and the Registration fee which is 3 months from the date of payment. If an applicant needs any extra time during the process of registration or before applying for registration, please make contact with the DT Registrar at dtregistrar@diversionaltherapy.net.nz.
A certified copy of the NZQA Qualification in Diversional Therapy, or an official certified Education Provider printout. To be signed as sighted by current Employer.
A letter dated within one month from current and / or last Employer stating hands on Diversional Therapy employment of not less than 3000 hours.
Candidates who change Employers after completion of the National Qualification in Diversional Therapy and before assessment for Registration and Registered Badge MUST have been employed with current employer for no less than 400 hours before applying for Registration.

Renewal Process for Registered Diversional Therapists
To retain registration you MUST renew every year proving that you are:​
Continuing to practice to an acceptable level.
Continuing to access ongoing education, particularly in the field of Diversional Therapy.
That you attend local support groups and/or conferences to improve the value of the service you give to your clients.
Prepared to help in the teaching/supervising of new Recreational Therapy staff.
Participate in new initiatives in your workplace, on a local level or on a national level.
To renew your registration please submit the following:
Registration Renewal Application Form.
Complete the Point System.
Include all the relevant documents related to every point you have ticked, these need to be signed by your manager or referee.
The cost of renewal is included in your yearly membership fee.
***Remember: Registration is your responsibility***
For Successful Candidates:
The registrar will post a Congratulations Letter, a Registration Certificate (valid for one year) and a Registration Badge to successful candidates.
For Unsuccessful Candidates:
The registrar will contact them and provide them with guidance on how to re-apply.
***For those successful candidates that would like to received their registration certificate during the National Conference Graduation Dinner, please contact the Registrar two months before the conference to secure your space***
The NZSDRT Inc. registers those who meet the standards, training, qualification and employment requirements. The title Registered Diversional Therapist RDT or Registered Diversional & Recreational Therapist RDRT can then be used when a registered full financial member of the society.
To retain Registration you MUST renew every year. Registered full financial Diversional Therapists pay a fee of $115 dollars including GST, per year.