Code of Ethics
The obligations and responsibilities of a Diversional Therapist.
The Diversional Therapist is expected to achieve the highest standards of conduct and ideals of service in this caring profession, by observing the principles of the ethical code of the profession.
The Diversional Therapist shall:
Ensure optimum client care through a high standard of professional practice and personal conduct.
Not allow cultural and religious beliefs and values or political issues to deny or influence those seeking or receiving their care.
Maintain integrity, loyalty, and confidentiality with employers, fellow workers, clients and residents.
Respect the dignity, pride and privacy of person, place and property.
Encourage autonomy for those in their care.
Believe in self evaluation, peer review and on-going education.
Comply with facilities policies and procedures.
Accept responsibility for education within the Multi-disciplinary team concept.
Respect the confidentiality and privacy of documentation within the profession and other professions.
Please refer to the Handbook section of the main NZSDRT Inc. site.